Beginning , any person preparing or filing a document for recording in the Official Records Books of Seminole County may not include a social security number in such document, unless required by law. Please note: it is the current practice of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Seminole County to redact the following information from images made available through the Clerk's website:
Social Security Numbers
Dates of Birth
Drivers License Numbers
Bank Account Numbers
Credit/Debit Account Numbers
To search our Online Land Records please follow the instructions below:
Record Search
Enter the search criteria for the named person
Alternately, enter the instrument specific data
After clicking "Search" a grid listing will show matches
Select the record you wish to view by clicking the row
The detail screen will show information on the parties and instrument data
All images associated with the record will be displayed to the right of the detailed data
You are able to go back to the criteria or result set by clicking on the vertical column area
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Instrument Details
Please use this input area to tell us what we are missing on this particular instrument.
You may also send us a request to add additional details/images if you know the record is incomplete.
The Clerk will review your request and modify the record if needed. Your email address will only be used
to contact you regarding the published changes.
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